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정렬번호 19 
메인 제목 Hot electron research of SCALE laboratory was highlighted in Electronic Newspaper 
메인 소개 내용 Hot electron research of SCALE laboratory was highlighted in Electronic Newspaper 

Hot electron research of SCALE laboratory was highlighted in Electronic Newspaper


[IBS 소재·부품 연구 성과]<1>핫전자로 태양전지·촉매 효율 강화


일본의 수출규제조치로 소재·부품 분야 국산화 노력이 계속되는 가운데 국내 유일 기초과학 연구개발(R&D) 기관 기초과학연구원(IBS)이 새롭게 주목받고 있다. 그동안 기술 산업화와 다소 동떨어진 연구기관이라는 평가를 받아온 IBS가 뛰어난 연구 성과를 기반으로 실제 산업 분야 난제 해결에 기여함으로써 이 같은 오해를 불식시키고 있다. 소재·부품 산업을 혁신하는 IBS 연구 성공 사례를 2회에 걸쳐 그려본다.

지난 2012년 개원해 다양한 연구를 수행해온 IBS가 최근 중요성이 커진 소재·부품 분야에서 혁신 성과를 내놓고 있다. 대표 사례가 지난 8월 산하 나노물질 및 화학반응 연구단의 '핫전자' 활용 연구다. 연구단은 기초과학기술 영역에 있는 핫전자를 활용, 효율을 높인 태양전지 개발에 성공했다.


<IBS가 개발한 페로브스카이트 기반 핫전자 태양전지(IBS제공)>

핫전자는 빛 에너지를 흡수했을 때 금속 표면에 생성되는 고에너지 전자다. 에너지 준위가 높아 활성도가 높다. 그동안은 실제 활용보다는 차세대 기술로 여겨지던 분야다. 포집해 활용하기가 극히 어려웠기 때문이다. 핫전자는 수 피코초(1조분의 1)만에 사라져 버리고 확산거리도 수십 나노미터()에 불과하다.

연구단은 핫전자 수명과 확산거리를 대폭 늘리는 방안을 찾아내 실제 태양전지에 적용하는데 성공했다. 빛을 잘 흡수하는 페로브스카이트 소재를 접목하는 새로운 시도에 나선 결과다. 페로브스카이트 소재를 접목했을 때 핫전자 수명이 기존보다 22배 오래 유지됐다.

이 결과로 빛이 전력화 되는 효율도 높일 수 있다. 이론상으로는 기존 한계를 뛰어넘어 태양전지 효율을 66%까지 끌어올리는 핵심 기반이 될 것이라는 예측도 내놓고 있다.


<IBS가 개발한 페로브스카이트 기반 핫전자 태양전지 구조 (IBS 제공)>

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 The collaborative work with Dr. Dahee Park was publicized. 관리자 2025.02.03 43
공지 Yujin Roh won the student award at ALC 2024 (15th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '24) 관리자 2024.10.26 631
공지 Yujin Roh and Young Jae Kim won the best poster award at 2024 KCS 134 th General Meeting. 관리자 2024.10.26 614
공지 Poster and presentation award by SCALE members in 2023 관리자 2024.04.03 346
공지 Cover Issue Selected for Advanced Science Paper work on EC-STM and publicized 관리자 2024.04.03 371
공지 Prof. Park received Award from Ministry of Science and ICT [과학기술정보통신부 장관 표창, 융합연구개발 부분] [Nov 09, 2023] 관리자 2023.12.13 1090
공지 Commentary Lectures on 2023 Novel Chemistry Prize Winning Achievement [Nov 1, 2023] 관리자 2023.12.13 1110
공지 Dooho’s Small Paper was selected as Back Cover of the Issue 관리자 2023.12.13 1024
공지 Prof. Park gave a Lecture on "KAIST Advanced Institute for Science-X" about seeing atoms 관리자 2023.09.12 746
공지 Nature Comm paper about CO2 Dissociation on Cu(997) was publicized. 관리자 2023.09.12 731
공지 Professor Park has recently been appointed as the Associate Editor for "Surface Science and Technology", a newly established journal published by Springer. 관리자 2023.05.30 2233
공지 SCALE lab members attended the 19th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis (May 15-17, 2023), and Kyoungjae won Oral Presentation Award. 관리자 2023.05.30 1930
공지 The research article on hot electron phenomena achieved recognition as the Issue Cover in Nano Letters. 관리자 2023.05.30 2268
공지 Hot Electron Collaboration with Prof. Lee SiWoo (Nano Letters) was publicized 관리자 2023.04.03 2373
공지 Professor Park gave a talk at the Great Scholar Decisions (2023. 3. 10). 관리자 2023.04.03 2281
공지 Public Article about Chemistry and Application of Quasicrystal by Prof. Park 관리자 2023.04.03 2190
공지 SCALE lab members attended Korean Society of Surface Analysis (Daejeon, Nov 22-24) 관리자 2022.11.28 2845
공지 Prof. Park was elected to be the member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (2023). 관리자 2022.11.28 2666
공지 SCALE lab members attended AVS 68th International Symposium & Exhibition (Pittsburgh, PA USA, November 6-11, 2022) 관리자 2022.11.28 2780
공지 SCALE lab members attended Korean Chemical Society Meeting (Gyeongju, Oct 19-21) 관리자 2022.11.28 2840
공지 The talk entitled “Atomic Scale Friction Properties of Two-dimensional Intercalated Water Layers” was given at Korean Tribology Society Meeting and Best presentation award was given. 관리자 2022.11.28 3220
공지 Dr. Heeyoung Kim’s work was published in The Journal of Chemical Physics and selected as Issue Cover 관리자 2022.09.14 2825
공지 Dr. Woosuk Choi’s work (in collaboration with Prof. Ryong Ryoo) was published in Carbon and selected as Issue Cover 관리자 2022.04.18 4555
공지 Group members got poster awards from 18JKSC, PAL user meeting, and IWOX-XIII 관리자 2022.02.15 6366
공지 Yongman Kim’s paper has been selected as the Back Cover of Advanced Materials Interfaces 관리자 2022.02.15 3716
공지 Prof. Park chaired the 13th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-XIII). 관리자 2022.02.15 3084
공지 the 13th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-XIII) will be held in Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea 관리자 2021.05.17 6974
공지 “Atomic scale tackling of greenhouse gas” highlighted by KAIST Compass 관리자 2021.05.17 7324
공지 “Plasmonic hot hole driven water splitting” work has been highlighted 관리자 2021.05.17 7633
공지 Editor of Nature Comm featured our article, entitled “How Rh surface breaks CO2 molecules under ambient pressure” 관리자 2021.03.08 3684
공지 Dr. Siwoo Lee’s hot electron work was introduced in media 관리자 2021.03.08 4285
공지 Outside Front Cover was selected for Hanseul’s Catalysis Science & Technology paper 관리자 2021.03.08 4292
공지 Park Yujin was selected as one of recipient of Posco Science Fellowship in 2020 관리자 2020.11.16 9216
공지 Hot hole measurement (published in Advanced Science) have been introduced in news media 관리자 2020.11.16 42373
공지 Ambient pressure studies on CO2 dissociation (published in Nat Comm) have been introduced in news media 관리자 2020.11.16 11040
공지 Dr. Mondal’s Advanced Functional Materials paper was selected as Inside Front Cover. 관리자 2020.01.27 23216
공지 Prof. Park gave an on-line talk in MRS Webinar Series for the special issue about “ 관리자 2020.01.27 23729
공지 Dr. Sunyoung Oh’s paper will appear as a Feature Article in JCP in a special topic on 관리자 2020.01.27 30784
공지 Advanced Functional Materials paper (in collaboration with Prof. Jong Hoon Jung in Inha Univ) was selected as Front Cover. 관리자 2019.11.18 29716
» Hot electron research of SCALE laboratory was highlighted in Electronic Newspaper 관리자 2019.11.18 21439
공지 Two-dimensional FeS2 encapsulated Au was selected as the Inside Cover 관리자 2019.09.27 26270
공지 IBS-RIKEN Joint Symposium [Oct 17-18] 관리자 2019.09.27 31575
공지 Perovskite-based hot electron plasmonic nanodiode was developed. The higher hot electron flux and longer lifetime were observed on this photovoltaic device. 관리자 2019.08.27 38961
공지 IBS-KAIST Symposium on Operando Surface Science and Catalysis 관리자 2019.03.27 41276
공지 Direct Imaging of Surface Plasmon-driven Hot Electron 관리자 2019.01.23 37271
공지 Ambient pressure AFM was developed in SCALE lab 관리자 2018.10.29 42252
공지 Professor Park wrote the Perspective Article in Science regarding self-cleaning on TiO2 관리자 2018.10.29 39893
공지 Highlight article about ambient pressure STM was introduced in Chemistry World (Korean) 관리자 2018.10.29 53824
공지 Kalyan and Hyosun’s ChemComm paper was selected as Inside Cover 관리자 2018.08.17 43426
공지 Sunyoung’s work was selected as Inside Front Cover of ChemComm 관리자 2018.08.17 50832
공지 Visualizing Chemical Reaction on Bimetal Surfaces 관리자 2018.08.17 47444
공지 Nature Communications paper was highlighted in Nature Research Chemistry Community 관리자 2018.06.08 57199
공지 Front Cover Selected in Nanoscale 관리자 2018.06.08 73026
공지 The Fifth Symposium of Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions 관리자 2018.05.14 47620
공지 Top 100 Scientific Reports Chemistry papers in 2017 관리자 2018.04.08 62629
공지 Dr. Joong Il Jake Choi received the first prize at Best Poster Awards of ISEST 2018. 관리자 2018.01.22 67046
공지 Dr. Hyunsoo Lee was selected as one of the winners of 2017 IBS Outstanding Researcher Awards. 관리자 2017.12.22 62023
공지 IBS CNCR Symposium : Surface Chemistry and Catalysis 관리자 2017.10.25 65556
공지 Review article about “catalytronics” was published. 관리자 2017.09.11 74338
공지 EEWS 2016 Workshop was introduced in ACS Energy Letters 관리자 2017.02.17 85695
공지 Hot electron work was selected as KAIST Top 10 Research Achievements 관리자 2017.02.17 78811
공지 Hyosun Lee and Changwhan Lee got Samsung Humantech Award 관리자 2017.02.07 72526
공지 Graphene/Pt(111) STM image was shown at Art in Science during IBS Symposium 관리자 2016.11.27 80327
공지 Friction on graphene work was highlighted in YTN Science Prime 관리자 2016.10.31 74258
공지 IBS Symposium on “Understanding photocatalytic materials at the atomic level” was held on July 14 관리자 2016.09.12 72345
공지 SCALE group attended IVC-20 conference in Busan 관리자 2016.09.12 82978
공지 Hot electrons detected at solid-liquid interfaces (Sciencedaily, YTN, and other media) 관리자 2016.07.10 76108
공지 Angewandte Chemie paper was selected as the Front Cover 관리자 2016.07.10 76235
공지 Dr. Sun Mi Kim has been awarded the Young Scientist Prize of the 16th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC 16) 관리자 2016.04.29 107411
공지 Best Poster Award at ISFM 2016 관리자 2016.03.07 79490
공지 Issue Cover Selected in Chemical Physics Letters 관리자 2016.03.07 79532
공지 박정영교수팀, ‘꿈의 신소재’ 그래핀 통해 새로운 핫전자 촉매센서 개발 관리자 2016.03.07 80566
공지 Advanced Materials Interfaces Front Cover Selected 관리자 2016.01.15 106829
공지 First group result of ambient pressure STM was published in JACS 관리자 2016.01.15 78391
공지 Science talk in the Library at Sejong Library 관리자 2015.11.23 82494
공지 Hot electron work was highlighted in IBS Research 관리자 2015.11.23 92132
공지 SCALE lab welcomes new group members 관리자 2015.09.08 82429
공지 Hot electron work was selected as KAIST breakthroughs 관리자 2015.09.08 80711
공지 Six Most Downloaded Catalysis Books in 2014 관리자 2015.07.05 84348
공지 Editorial Board of Scientific Reports 관리자 2015.05.18 85402
공지 Nanoporous Au work was highlighted in YTN 관리자 2015.05.18 83298
공지 Chemical Reviews Issue Cover selected 관리자 2015.04.20 90590
공지 SCALE lab welcomes four new members 관리자 2015.04.18 84586
공지 Surface structure can tailor adhesion [Nanotechweb Technology Update] 관리자 2015.03.10 84826
공지 Surprising current domains of misoriented graphene on graphite [Nanotechweb LAB TALK] 관리자 2015.03.03 82196
공지 Chemicurrent work by Hyosun was highlighted in media 관리자 2015.02.22 85239
공지 Angewandte Chemie paper was selected as Frontispiece 관리자 2015.02.12 81875
공지 Nanotechnology paper was selected as Cover 관리자 2015.02.12 79311
공지 KAIST Times highlighted research of SCALE laboratory 관리자 2014.12.15 75799
공지 ENGE Poster Awards (Kamran and SongYi) 관리자 2014.11.22 83248
공지 Prof. Park gave a public lecture at library 관리자 2014.10.31 77458