공지 |
The collaborative work with Dr. Dahee Park was publicized.
| 관리자 | 2025.02.03 | 43 |
공지 |
Yujin Roh won the student award at ALC 2024 (15th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '24)
| 관리자 | 2024.10.26 | 629 |
공지 |
Yujin Roh and Young Jae Kim won the best poster award at 2024 KCS 134 th General Meeting.
| 관리자 | 2024.10.26 | 613 |
공지 |
Poster and presentation award by SCALE members in 2023
| 관리자 | 2024.04.03 | 346 |
공지 |
Cover Issue Selected for Advanced Science Paper work on EC-STM and publicized
| 관리자 | 2024.04.03 | 371 |
공지 |
Prof. Park received Award from Ministry of Science and ICT [과학기술정보통신부 장관 표창, 융합연구개발 부분] [Nov 09, 2023]
| 관리자 | 2023.12.13 | 1088 |
공지 |
Commentary Lectures on 2023 Novel Chemistry Prize Winning Achievement [Nov 1, 2023]
| 관리자 | 2023.12.13 | 1110 |
공지 |
Dooho’s Small Paper was selected as Back Cover of the Issue
| 관리자 | 2023.12.13 | 1023 |
공지 |
Prof. Park gave a Lecture on "KAIST Advanced Institute for Science-X" about seeing atoms
| 관리자 | 2023.09.12 | 744 |
공지 |
Nature Comm paper about CO2 Dissociation on Cu(997) was publicized.
| 관리자 | 2023.09.12 | 729 |
공지 |
Professor Park has recently been appointed as the Associate Editor for "Surface Science and Technology", a newly established journal published by Springer.
| 관리자 | 2023.05.30 | 2232 |
공지 |
SCALE lab members attended the 19th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis (May 15-17, 2023), and Kyoungjae won Oral Presentation Award.
| 관리자 | 2023.05.30 | 1930 |
공지 |
The research article on hot electron phenomena achieved recognition as the Issue Cover in Nano Letters.
| 관리자 | 2023.05.30 | 2268 |
공지 |
Hot Electron Collaboration with Prof. Lee SiWoo (Nano Letters) was publicized
| 관리자 | 2023.04.03 | 2373 |
공지 |
Professor Park gave a talk at the Great Scholar Decisions (2023. 3. 10).
| 관리자 | 2023.04.03 | 2281 |
공지 |
Public Article about Chemistry and Application of Quasicrystal by Prof. Park
| 관리자 | 2023.04.03 | 2189 |
공지 |
SCALE lab members attended Korean Society of Surface Analysis (Daejeon, Nov 22-24)
| 관리자 | 2022.11.28 | 2844 |
공지 |
Prof. Park was elected to be the member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (2023).
| 관리자 | 2022.11.28 | 2666 |
공지 |
SCALE lab members attended AVS 68th International Symposium & Exhibition (Pittsburgh, PA USA, November 6-11, 2022)
| 관리자 | 2022.11.28 | 2778 |
공지 |
SCALE lab members attended Korean Chemical Society Meeting (Gyeongju, Oct 19-21)
| 관리자 | 2022.11.28 | 2840 |
공지 |
The talk entitled “Atomic Scale Friction Properties of Two-dimensional Intercalated Water Layers” was given at Korean Tribology Society Meeting and Best presentation award was given.
| 관리자 | 2022.11.28 | 3219 |
공지 |
Dr. Heeyoung Kim’s work was published in The Journal of Chemical Physics and selected as Issue Cover
| 관리자 | 2022.09.14 | 2824 |
공지 |
Dr. Woosuk Choi’s work (in collaboration with Prof. Ryong Ryoo) was published in Carbon and selected as Issue Cover
| 관리자 | 2022.04.18 | 4554 |
공지 |
Group members got poster awards from 18JKSC, PAL user meeting, and IWOX-XIII
| 관리자 | 2022.02.15 | 6366 |
공지 |
Yongman Kim’s paper has been selected as the Back Cover of Advanced Materials Interfaces
| 관리자 | 2022.02.15 | 3716 |
공지 |
Prof. Park chaired the 13th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-XIII).
| 관리자 | 2022.02.15 | 3084 |
공지 |
the 13th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-XIII) will be held in Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea
| 관리자 | 2021.05.17 | 6973 |
공지 |
“Atomic scale tackling of greenhouse gas” highlighted by KAIST Compass
| 관리자 | 2021.05.17 | 7324 |
공지 |
“Plasmonic hot hole driven water splitting” work has been highlighted
| 관리자 | 2021.05.17 | 7632 |
공지 |
Editor of Nature Comm featured our article, entitled “How Rh surface breaks CO2 molecules under ambient pressure”
| 관리자 | 2021.03.08 | 3683 |
공지 |
Dr. Siwoo Lee’s hot electron work was introduced in media
| 관리자 | 2021.03.08 | 4285 |
공지 |
Outside Front Cover was selected for Hanseul’s Catalysis Science & Technology paper
| 관리자 | 2021.03.08 | 4291 |
공지 |
Park Yujin was selected as one of recipient of Posco Science Fellowship in 2020
| 관리자 | 2020.11.16 | 9216 |
공지 |
Hot hole measurement (published in Advanced Science) have been introduced in news media
| 관리자 | 2020.11.16 | 42373 |
공지 |
Ambient pressure studies on CO2 dissociation (published in Nat Comm) have been introduced in news media
| 관리자 | 2020.11.16 | 11039 |
공지 |
Dr. Mondal’s Advanced Functional Materials paper was selected as Inside Front Cover.
| 관리자 | 2020.01.27 | 23212 |
공지 |
Prof. Park gave an on-line talk in MRS Webinar Series for the special issue about “
| 관리자 | 2020.01.27 | 23728 |
공지 |
Dr. Sunyoung Oh’s paper will appear as a Feature Article in JCP in a special topic on
| 관리자 | 2020.01.27 | 30784 |
공지 |
Advanced Functional Materials paper (in collaboration with Prof. Jong Hoon Jung in Inha Univ) was selected as Front Cover.
| 관리자 | 2019.11.18 | 29716 |
공지 |
Hot electron research of SCALE laboratory was highlighted in Electronic Newspaper
| 관리자 | 2019.11.18 | 21436 |
공지 |
Two-dimensional FeS2 encapsulated Au was selected as the Inside Cover
| 관리자 | 2019.09.27 | 26270 |
공지 |
IBS-RIKEN Joint Symposium [Oct 17-18]
| 관리자 | 2019.09.27 | 31572 |
공지 |
Perovskite-based hot electron plasmonic nanodiode was developed. The higher hot electron flux and longer lifetime were observed on this photovoltaic device.
| 관리자 | 2019.08.27 | 38961 |
공지 |
IBS-KAIST Symposium on Operando Surface Science and Catalysis
| 관리자 | 2019.03.27 | 41273 |
공지 |
Direct Imaging of Surface Plasmon-driven Hot Electron
| 관리자 | 2019.01.23 | 37269 |
공지 |
Ambient pressure AFM was developed in SCALE lab
| 관리자 | 2018.10.29 | 42251 |
공지 |
Professor Park wrote the Perspective Article in Science regarding self-cleaning on TiO2
| 관리자 | 2018.10.29 | 39893 |
공지 |
Highlight article about ambient pressure STM was introduced in Chemistry World (Korean)
| 관리자 | 2018.10.29 | 53823 |
공지 |
Kalyan and Hyosun’s ChemComm paper was selected as Inside Cover
| 관리자 | 2018.08.17 | 43426 |
공지 |
Sunyoung’s work was selected as Inside Front Cover of ChemComm
| 관리자 | 2018.08.17 | 50832 |
공지 |
Visualizing Chemical Reaction on Bimetal Surfaces
| 관리자 | 2018.08.17 | 47443 |
공지 |
Nature Communications paper was highlighted in Nature Research Chemistry Community
| 관리자 | 2018.06.08 | 57198 |
공지 |
Front Cover Selected in Nanoscale
| 관리자 | 2018.06.08 | 73026 |
공지 |
The Fifth Symposium of Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions
| 관리자 | 2018.05.14 | 47618 |
공지 |
Top 100 Scientific Reports Chemistry papers in 2017
| 관리자 | 2018.04.08 | 62626 |
공지 |
Dr. Joong Il Jake Choi received the first prize at Best Poster Awards of ISEST 2018.
| 관리자 | 2018.01.22 | 67044 |
공지 |
Dr. Hyunsoo Lee was selected as one of the winners of 2017 IBS Outstanding Researcher Awards.
| 관리자 | 2017.12.22 | 62023 |
공지 |
IBS CNCR Symposium : Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
| 관리자 | 2017.10.25 | 65556 |
공지 |
Review article about “catalytronics” was published.
| 관리자 | 2017.09.11 | 74336 |
공지 |
EEWS 2016 Workshop was introduced in ACS Energy Letters
| 관리자 | 2017.02.17 | 85695 |
공지 |
Hot electron work was selected as KAIST Top 10 Research Achievements
| 관리자 | 2017.02.17 | 78811 |
공지 |
Hyosun Lee and Changwhan Lee got Samsung Humantech Award
| 관리자 | 2017.02.07 | 72524 |
공지 |
Graphene/Pt(111) STM image was shown at Art in Science during IBS Symposium
| 관리자 | 2016.11.27 | 80327 |
공지 |
Friction on graphene work was highlighted in YTN Science Prime
| 관리자 | 2016.10.31 | 74257 |
공지 |
IBS Symposium on “Understanding photocatalytic materials at the atomic level” was held on July 14
| 관리자 | 2016.09.12 | 72345 |
공지 |
SCALE group attended IVC-20 conference in Busan
| 관리자 | 2016.09.12 | 82977 |
공지 |
Hot electrons detected at solid-liquid interfaces (Sciencedaily, YTN, and other media)
| 관리자 | 2016.07.10 | 76107 |
공지 |
Angewandte Chemie paper was selected as the Front Cover
| 관리자 | 2016.07.10 | 76235 |
공지 |
Dr. Sun Mi Kim has been awarded the Young Scientist Prize of the 16th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC 16)
| 관리자 | 2016.04.29 | 107410 |
공지 |
Best Poster Award at ISFM 2016
| 관리자 | 2016.03.07 | 79490 |
공지 |
Issue Cover Selected in Chemical Physics Letters
| 관리자 | 2016.03.07 | 79531 |
공지 |
박정영교수팀, ‘꿈의 신소재’ 그래핀 통해 새로운 핫전자 촉매센서 개발
| 관리자 | 2016.03.07 | 80565 |
공지 |
Advanced Materials Interfaces Front Cover Selected
| 관리자 | 2016.01.15 | 106829 |
공지 |
First group result of ambient pressure STM was published in JACS
| 관리자 | 2016.01.15 | 78387 |
공지 |
Science talk in the Library at Sejong Library
| 관리자 | 2015.11.23 | 82493 |
공지 |
Hot electron work was highlighted in IBS Research
| 관리자 | 2015.11.23 | 92130 |
공지 |
SCALE lab welcomes new group members
| 관리자 | 2015.09.08 | 82429 |
공지 |
Hot electron work was selected as KAIST breakthroughs
| 관리자 | 2015.09.08 | 80709 |
공지 |
Six Most Downloaded Catalysis Books in 2014
| 관리자 | 2015.07.05 | 84347 |
공지 |
Editorial Board of Scientific Reports
| 관리자 | 2015.05.18 | 85402 |
공지 |
Nanoporous Au work was highlighted in YTN
| 관리자 | 2015.05.18 | 83297 |
공지 |
Chemical Reviews Issue Cover selected
| 관리자 | 2015.04.20 | 90590 |
공지 |
SCALE lab welcomes four new members
| 관리자 | 2015.04.18 | 84585 |
» |
Surface structure can tailor adhesion [Nanotechweb Technology Update]
| 관리자 | 2015.03.10 | 84826 |
공지 |
Surprising current domains of misoriented graphene on graphite [Nanotechweb LAB TALK]
| 관리자 | 2015.03.03 | 82196 |
공지 |
Chemicurrent work by Hyosun was highlighted in media
| 관리자 | 2015.02.22 | 85239 |
공지 |
Angewandte Chemie paper was selected as Frontispiece
| 관리자 | 2015.02.12 | 81874 |
공지 |
Nanotechnology paper was selected as Cover
| 관리자 | 2015.02.12 | 79310 |
공지 |
KAIST Times highlighted research of SCALE laboratory
| 관리자 | 2014.12.15 | 75798 |
공지 |
ENGE Poster Awards (Kamran and SongYi)
| 관리자 | 2014.11.22 | 83248 |
공지 |
Prof. Park gave a public lecture at library
| 관리자 | 2014.10.31 | 77457 |
14 |
November - December 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 7734 |
13 |
October 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 7455 |
12 |
September 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 6759 |
11 |
August 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 6740 |
10 |
July 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 6750 |
9 |
June 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 7584 |
8 |
May 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 7940 |
7 |
April 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 8372 |
6 |
March 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 7336 |
5 |
February 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 8653 |
4 |
January 2010
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 8126 |
3 |
December 2009
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 6806 |
2 |
November 2009
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 7630 |
1 |
October 2009
| 관리자 | 2014.06.15 | 7860 |