2016년 Hot electrons detected at solid-liquid interfaces (Sciencedaily, YTN, and other media)
2016.07.10 20:18
정렬번호 | 8 |
메인 제목 | Hot electrons detected at solid-liquid interfaces (Sciencedaily, YTN, and other media) |
메인 소개 내용 | The hot electron detection at solid-liquid interfaces was highlighted in Sciencedaily |

A research team has confirmed the first observation of the hot electrons through the exothermic catalytic reaction occurring at the liquid phase. Previous findings were limited to observing hot electrons in gas-solid interfaces which diluted their generation efficiency.
촉매 반응 핵심 '핫전자' 액상서 검출 성공 (YTN)
액체 환경서 `핫전자` 첫 검출 (디지털 타임스)
[과학을 읽다]오묘하고 신비한 '촉매' 비밀 벗긴다 (아시아경제)